Femiwand Vaginal Tightening Treatment


Even though vaginal tightening Leicester isn’t something talked about quite openly, it is something more and more women are curious to know about.

Therefore, we are going to review some of the frequently asked questions about vaginal tightening and give answers as satisfactory as possible.



Are the outcomes long-lasting/permanent?

A: Vaginal tightening treatment Leicester doesn’t affect the vaginal muscles quite directly but rather it triggers the secretion of collagen.

It also renews its thickness and moisture retention ability thereby retaining lubrication of your vagina.

The durability of results often varies among individuals depending on their age and presentation.

However, we make follow-ups for patients and recommend maintenance in case the improvement relapses.

Does it require a hospital stay?

A: Since this is a simple procedure that is done in the gynaecology room, it doesn’t require a hospital stay.

The entire treatment takes about 30minutes and certainly painless. Once it is complete, you will go home.

Does the treatment come with any health risk?

A: There are no health risks that are linked to this treatment.

The treatment is confined within the vagina and vulva therefore it won’t affect your cervix, uterus or your entire reproductive system.

More importantly, it doesn’t affect your ability to give birth. It is a safe certified procedure.

However, you will experience more vaginal pleasure and sensation after the treatment.

Equally, vaginal lubrication will be enhanced while sexual orgasms may be intense.

Is there any age restrictions?

A: Vaginal tightening Leicester treatment procedure has no age restriction.

It only depends on the presenting concern.

For instance, most women feel the symptoms of vaginal leniency and stress incontinence between their 30s and 40s while for menopausal atrophy and dryness is felt in the late 40s and end early 50s or one or two years after stopping experiencing menstrual periods.

The good thing is this treatment works at any age.

How long will one episode of my vaginal tightening Leicester take?

A: It is estimated that each episode might take 30-45 minutes.

During the treatment, some clients may experience negligible discomfort and a slight pressure around the treatment region.

Some may experience visible relief almost immediately while others may require extra treatment episodes of a few weeks apart for best results.

How is the entire treatment done?

A: A specialized laser probe is put deep into the vagina carefully by a certified Laser specialist or gynaecologist.

Once inside, the CO2 fractionated laser beams diffuse into the vaginal walls while targeting the tissue linings to trigger new collagen production.

Since the entire procedure is painless and even comfortable compared to when having a pap smear, no numbing is required.

Any downtime after my vaginal tightening treatment?

A: All our clients often embark on their daily routine after the treatment.

But intercourse must be avoided for the next three days.

Comprehensive results are noticed after the treatment episodes.

How can I know if I qualify for vaginal tightening?

A: Vaginal tightening is safe and secure for almost all women, even those with vaginal worries like vaginal prolapse, pelvic pain and relaxation, and endometriosis.

Besides, it is best suited for those who recently delivered and are breastfeeding, particularly those with more than one child.

The procedure is most recommendable after three months after delivery.

How many treatments will I need for the best results?

A: The number of procedures you will require is dependent on medical assessment and your medical history.

However, on average you will require between two to twelve treatment procedures depending on your desired outcome.

Vagina tightening treatment from LA Lipo Leicester can deliver you the remedies to vaginal atrophy, dryness and vaginal degeneration that are common after menopause without having a surgery.

If you are looking for vaginal tightening treatment to keep your sexual intercourse active and satisfying even after menopause, LA Lipo will deliver you the best results.